I Am Sorry Messages for Girlfriend: Apology Quotes for Her

I Am Sorry Messages for Girlfriend: Never be the reason for your girl’s tears. And if you have done something stupid, man up and say sorry to her in the sweetest and cutest possible way. Apologizing isn’t as awkward as it is made out to be. Write a romantic message on a greeting card, send her few funny texts and share a few quotes about love on Facebook. Take some flowers, walk up to her and grab her hand when you ask for forgiveness. Regardless of whether you have lied, cheated, argued, shouted or fought over something silly – make it up with an honest apology to show that your heart really beats for her. Pamper her with hugs, cuddles and kisses until you manage to bring that smile back on her face. It’s the least you can do for being not just her boyfriend, but someone who she’s shared so many memories with.


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1) Take your time. Don’t worry. I’ll wait forever, if that is what it’ll take for you to forgive me. I love you.

2) My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you. Please plug the holes with your forgiveness. I am sorry.

3) I thought our RELATIONSHIP was immune to all of life’s diseases until a virus called LIES made it sick. I am going to use a regular doze of medication which includes APOLOGIES, HUGS and KISSES to make it feel better. I am sorry.

4) Angry is ugly, forgiveness is sexiness. Forgive me please?

5) With a bruised heart and a deflated ego, with sad soul and a head hung low. I apologize to you unconditionally, baby I am really very sorry. I love you.

Jealousy quote sorry for being possessive girlfriend boyfriend

6) I am sorry for being jealous. It’s just that I’m afraid of losing the best thing to have ever happened to me.

7) I overlooked your happiness in an attempt to make myself happy, only to realize that my happiness lies in yours. I am sorry, please forgive me.

8) I trust fate and I believe in love, which is why I know you’ll accept my apology. I’m sorry.

9) I have shown you what an idiot I can be by making that mistake. Now it is your turn to show me what a darling you can be by giving your anger a break. I am sorry.

10) I am sorry I forgot our relationship anniversary but in my defense, every day that I spend with you feels like the first day of falling in love with you. Please forgive me.

I am sorry message for her promise never do it again

11) I took for granted, all our smiles, laughs and memories. I promise I’ll never do it again, because they mean the world to me. I am sorry.

12) I am not saying sorry just because I understand the difference between right and wrong. I am saying sorry also because our relationship is more important to me than my ego. I love you.

13) Regret, heartbreak and sadness, have stolen my life’s happiness. I am sorry for letting you down, but I promise to erase your frowns. xoxo

14) I can’t believe how I drove us apart, when all I ever wanted was for us to be together… now and forever. I am sorry.

15) Sorry is the only word you will see in my texts, Facebook updates, tweets and pins… until you forgive me. xoxo

Apology message for girlfriend i am not perfect

16) I am not perfect but I’m still me. The same guy who holds you in his arms because you’re all that matter to him. I’m sorry.

17) Just like the words I Love You, the value of the words I Am Sorry too does not decrease no matter how many times they are said or repeated. I am sorry.

18) I know you’re angry but I want you to think about all the beautiful memories, that have made us believe that we’re meant to be. I am sorry.

19) The homepage of our relationship cannot be currently displayed because of a server error. Can we please click on the refresh button and start over again? I am sorry baby.

20) I am sorry for making you lose your temper. But to be honest, you look boiling hot when your temper boils over.

Short apology poem take love for granted

21) I thought I would be better off alone. But I am nothing without you, time has shown. Better off apart, I thought we would be. But that, is what my heart refuses to believe. I am sorry, I took your

22) Being my girlfriend I know you have the right to be angry. But don’t forget that being your boyfriend, I too have the right to pamper you until you accept my apology. I am sorry.

23) Sorry for being aloof and making you feel that I don’t care for you. I promise to behave in a way that mimics our love – profound and true.

24) Being sorry is the first step to repentance, and repentance is the first step to being a better person. So if you don’t forgive me, I will never be able to become a better boyfriend. I am sorry.

25) I betrayed your trust and created my life’s biggest disaster. But now I realize that having you in my life is all that matters. I am sorry.

I am sorry message to girlfriend from boyfriend

26) My lies have caused a lot of pain. I promise to never do it again. All I want is to see you smile – forever and ever, not just for a while. I am sorry.

27) I made a mistake because I am only human. But I expect you to forgive me because I know that you are Supergirl. I am sorry.

28) Ever since the day I broke your heart, I may have lost your trust but I gained something much more powerful – the urge to make you fall in love with me all over again. I am sorry.

29) I know that I don’t look handsome when I wear anger on my face. Sorry for looking so ugly the other day. I love you.

30) If I had a time machine, you wouldn’t be reading this message right now because I would have gone back in time and undone the hurt I caused you. I regret my actions badly and I am very sorry. xoxo

Beautiful quote to say sorry to girlfriend

31) By lying to you I broke your heart. But in doing so I broke mine too. I made the biggest mistake of my life, by betraying a love so true. I am sorry.

32) My biggest mistake wasn’t the mistake I had made – it was that all this while I was letting my ego come in the way of a heartfelt apology. I am sorry baby.

33) Sorry for all my WHITE lies. I promise that from on our relationship will be free of lies, irrespective of their color. I love you

34) I don’t want to make any grand promises. All I want to do is hug you and tell you how much you mean to me. I’m sorry.

35) If I begin to tell you how terrible I feel for what I did to you, my apology will run into days, weeks and months. To cut a long story short, I am really sorry.

36) I know that my lies have damaged our relationship beyond repair. But I want you to know that I still care. I know it will be very hard for you to forgive me. But I want you to look into my eyes to see that I am truly sorry. I love you.

37) I have realized that lies and deception are glamorous only in movies and novels, not in real life. I am sorry that I lied to you.

38) I wish I had that neuralyzer which Will Smith uses in Men in Black to erase someone’s memory. Then I could erase all the horrible things I did to hurt you. Sorry.

40) I am sorry for being so possessive but this is one mistake that I will always be proud of, simply because I love you lots. At the same time, I will calm down and avoid overreacting to silly situations. xoxo


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